
January marks the beginning of our final semester! It's hard to believe we are here already! Its exciting to be back in New Orleans and getting involved in the community again. First, I was able to volunteer at the Saint's game selling raffle tickets for the 50/50 raffle: 50% of the proceeds made go to charity! It is such a great idea and raised over $100,000! Secondly, I have started my weekly volunteering at the Covenant House. The Covenant House is such an incredible foundation that strives to give youth in the community a safe place to stay. Youth in the community can come and stay in the shelter and focus on attending school or getting a job, or both. Knowing you have a roof over their head allows the residents to focus on other needs. The residents can work there way up through the system, to eventually get to a place where they are financially stable and able to afford a place on their own. Covenant House has connections with employers to aid the residence in finding job opportunities and has physicians that come and provide medical care on a regular basis. I have been working on either the women's floor or working at the crisis desk. This week I was performed my first intake for a new resident! It is incredible to see the way Covenant House supports the residents and I feel very lucky volunteering at the Covenant House. 

January Hours: 15 Hours 
Total Hours: 15 hours 


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