
Finally... warm weather again! I am definitely loving these 80 degree February afternoons. For such a short month, February has sure been eventful! We had our last Med Pharm exam, we started preparing for the NMBE Medical Pharmacology exam, I had some visitors for Mardi Gras and of course, continued volunteering at the Covenant House.

Reeya and I were asked to move our volunteering to Wednesday's, when the women's floor is short staffed. This change has made volunteering even more fun because we both get to work on the women's floor together. It is also a different dynamic because we spend more time with residents and are able to get to know them a little better. I cannot reiterate enough how rewarding and humbling this experience has been so far. It is difficult to see how much suffering these individuals have been through, but inspiring to see how much resilience people have. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to get to know everyone at the Covenant House and be able to help in way that I can.

I cannot believe it is almost March! Time is really flying by. I am looking forward to taking advantage of everything New Orleans has to offer this semester.

February Hours: 12
Spring Semester Hours: 27


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