
Yet again, another month flew by. It is hard to believe it is almost December already, especially because it is mostly sunny and 70 degrees! We are rapidly approaching the end of our first semester with just one exam left and I am really looking forward to the Brain and Behavior Block.

I participated in two volunteering events this month. First, I volunteered with some classmates at Uncork the Cure: a fundraiser for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We spent a majority of the evening serving food to the guests. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is a really incredible foundation that donates money to Cystic Fibrosis research, donates to help pay for Cystic Fibrosis treatment for patients and tries to educate patients, their families and the community about Cystic Fibrosis. I also spent a morning at the edible school yard moving mulch and gardening. It was a great way to give back and a fun learning experience as well. I am really lucky to have been involved a variety of different volunteer experiences in New Orleans and am looking forward to what the future has to offer.

November Hours: 6
Total Hours: 21


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