
I am not sure if its New Orleans or this program but time sure does seem to be flying by! We are rapidly approaching our Neoplasia and GI block exam and it is hard to believe this will mark the completion of five blocks already.
October offered even more exploration of New Orleans! I was finally able to experience my first food festival and it was definitely something special. I volunteered with some classmates at the first annual Mac N Cheese festival. We spent most of our time selling food and drinks to festival-goers, but we were able to get our taste of Mac N Cheese in as well. It was an awesome experience, delicious food and a portion of the proceeds went to a few great causes including the Tres Doux Foundation, the Mary Parker Outreach Program and more! The Tres Doux Foundation focusing on embracing and enhancing the lives of children with developmental disabilities and the Mary Parker Outreach Program is a non-profit to organization focused on providing stable solutions to individuals affected by poverty and unemployment. I think this could have been the start of a great tradition for New Orleans and I am thrilled to have been a part of it. Until next month!

October Hours: 5
Total Hours: 13


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